Intelligent Automation

Discussion table

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Automated processes enable greater efficiency, while data enables better decision-making. What role can intelligent automation play in optimising operations and improving business continuity - and how can we responsibly expand the scope of work that your department can automate?

The automation of complex, knowledge-based tasks traditionally done by people holds out the promise of offering more consistent, responsive and personalised services to citizens while optimising resource allocation, as public servants are freed up to focus on higher-level, strategic, and citizen-engagement tasks. But to achieve these kind of results, Intelligent Automation requires careful consideration of practical and ethical implications, as well as a strategic approach to change management.

  1. Intelligent Automation in Service Delivery: From automated responses to application processing - where are the greatest opportunities for using Intelligent Automation in government?
  2. Ethical Considerations: With intelligent automation comes the risk of opaque decision-making processes and potential for biases. How can the Civil Service ensure the ethical deployment of these systems while maintaining public trust?
  3. Workforce Impact: Intelligent automation has the potential to significantly reduce manual workloads, freeing up staff to focus on higher-value tasks. How should government departments best manage the transition and redeployment of staff?