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Neil Bacon

Senior Digital Strategist


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Neil has over twenty years of experience in Cloud and Data enabled change projects in both the Public and Private sectors globally, with most of his experience within the Public Sector. Neil’s passion was ignited after reading about the Victoria Climbe case and subsequent inquiry, which led Neil to write his MBA dissertation over ten years ago about how data could play a pivotable part in delivering a change in experience for Criminal Justice and associated sectors.
During his time working with Public Sector, he has been a key player in the expansion of G Cloud, led user sessions to redesign CCS frameworks, the alignment of security classifications across the Public Sector to assist sharing of information and commonality of language, and a member of the Government’s PSN Board, co-writer of the paper that led to the current design of HSCN, part of the HR and Finance Global Principles for Government project including Metis and is finally an advocate of the Cloud Principles as a core way to manage and leverage data for the public good.
In his spare time, Neil has run Charities focussed on delivering health and social care across the South of England, running services like Healthwatch and Signposting services on behalf of the NHS. Neil has seen first-hand the value that data can bring to the elderly and vulnerable, especially when it’s symbiotically joining human and digital services, for example, AI or experience-driven technology. When not working, Neil can often be found Sailing with his family.
Neil’s background includes a blend of General Management, Sales and Consulting. Neil is proud to work in Adobe’s Digital Strategy Group (DSG), which is the Adobe in-house strategy group and leads much of the DSG work in Public Sector and Health around Data-Driven Operating Models and value-based execution. He has also held senior roles in PwC and Accenture.